Jumbo Insurance

Lies Have expiry dates but the truth never expires


An increasing number of affluent families are taking out Jumbo life insurance as part of their global estate planning and wealth structuring. Due to the large insured amounts, Jumbo life insurance is also referred to as Universal life insurance’ or ‘jumbo universal life’.

Simply put, Jumbo life insurance is a life insurance policy that offers very high death coverage, both as a percentage (often over 300% of the premium paid; e.g. you pay a premium of USD 3 million and the beneficiaries receive USD 9 million or more at demise) and in absolute numbers (sometimes over USD 90 million)

What makes Jumbo life insurance stand out from other life insurance products is the fact that it combines high death coverage with an actual savings component: over the years the value of the policy grows, with a guaranteed interest rate.